Temple Detox

Temple Detox
Courtesy of #dgdesignsphotography

Monday, August 24, 2015

Encouragement for the Bride of Christ!

It’s been heavy on my heart that something is coming. For over 6 years I have been studying Biblical prophecy under bible scholars Chuck Missler, Bill Salus, Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, Mark Blitz, etc.  Today we see the world stage being set for numerous prophecies to be fulfilled. We see the rise of apocalyptic driven ISIS, Iran steaming toward nuclear power, Christians being persecuted around the world in numbers never before seen. There is a rising fervor around the globe that screams, “Something is coming. SOMETHING IS COMING!” But too many people don’t have a clue as to what.  I am not one to fear monger or focus on the negatives of this world. I choose to focus on Jesus and the miraculous manifestation of HIS glory here on earth. And yet, today as I focus on Jesus I hear Him telling me to speak His TRUTH, and the Truth is HE IS COMING BACK. We don’t know when, but as scripture tells us, be watchful for the signs.  Whether you are a pre-trib or post- trib believer, a consensus is growing that before He calls His Bride home, we will experience pain and persecution like never before. A common belief is that this persecution is going to prepare Christ’s Bride; she will be purified and ready. All Christians need to prepare their hearts and strengthen themselves in the Lord so they may face the coming deception and persecution with grace and unwavering faith. We also need to be reaching out to others who do not know Jesus or His message of grace, love and forgiveness.
With all the distractions that our electric paced world provides, it is not surprising that many have not taken time to consider their eternal destination, their eternal purpose, or their spiritual state of being.  American society worships the Gods of Entertainment, Comfort, Convenience and Satisfaction. But there is more at stake than our physical state. The spirits of many Americans remain without salvation, even within the churches! Something IS coming, it has been touted since the 2008 elections: CHANGE. In many ways change has already arrived, but a bigger change is on the horizon and it will shake our nation to its very core. Those who are spiritually unprepared will suffer greatly and live in fear without the hope and promise of Jesus.  Unless…
Unless the Church steps out in boldness, preaching the GOOD NEWS. We are the ones who can offer life in a world that is dying. Jesus’ sacrifice must not be wasted. We cannot remain as prisoners of war in spiritual bondage of fear and anxiety and insecurity. The news broadcasted around the world is bad! The world economy is in free fall, wars and rumors of wars abound. But we have news of HOPE! The time is getting shorter, it may not be this year or the next, but your unsaved friend might die tomorrow. Did you share Jesus?  Will you regret missed opportunities?
The birth pains are increasing. There may be an easing up, just as in a natural birth the contractions roll in like waves and recede. Yet, the contractions are increasing with less easing; the pain will only be intensifying in the years to come. I believe this is happening so prophecy may be full-filled and allow for the ushering in of the one world government.  The bible tells us what is coming. No one believed Israel would ever be a nation again, yet God’s word promised it more than 2,000 years before it came to be. I just want to encourage my fellow believers to become watchmen- look at the signs and warnings, know what the bible says is coming and prepare. 

How do you prepare? Get your heart into a place of repentance; seek Jesus and dive into God’s word.  Pray without ceasing; let your life be a living prayer of praise! The good news is that there has been an incredible outpouring of the Holy Spirit these past few years. There is a momentum of faith building and growing all over the world! So as the bad news abounds, and we prepare for darker times that are promised in scripture, we abide in the shadow of the almighty and dwell under His wings! He protects His beloved and surrounds us with His angels and sends them before us to prepare the way for us! We can walk confidently into the unknown each day, because our God is for us, who can stand against us? The promise is abundant life NOW; with peace beyond understanding and joy beyond circumstances. For our joy is in Jesus, who reigns in Heaven and will return to set up His kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Be ready Bride of Christ, your Groom has pursued and waited for you! HE'S COMING!

Recommended Scripture: 
PSALM 91  I highly recommend Psalm 91 by Peggy Joyce Ruth!