I love being a part of the military community. It's not perfect, humans will be human. But there is generally a feeling of good will and support that I haven't experienced elsewhere. Because of our nomadic lifestyle, we have to make friends quickly. They don't always work out, but often times when they do, those friends become family. In Okinawa, I had five women I consider not only my friends, but sisters. Sisters in Christ and sisters for life. It was such an amazing experience to have a peek into their lives and the opportunity to love and support them; imperfectly of course, because we are after all women with hormones and miscommunication often interferes! These women taught me so much about acceptance, unconditional friendship, love, forgiveness and strength. I miss them every day. The beautifully witty Katie who allowed me to support her during labor while her hubby was away defending our freedom. The vivacious Melissa whose open smile and passion for Christ is contagious! Then there was gentle Jill, whose sweet compassion and acceptance was such a blessing to me. And of course, my Wifey and Bosom Buddy.

Katie, Me, Melissa, Wifey and Bosom Buddy
Now, the reason I feel bonded to these women was not just because they are awesome ladies and we had great times together. Nor is it the shared experience of being assigned to Okinawa that bonded us. No, the real reason I feel so close to them and love them so completely is because we prayed together. During one summer and fall, we gathered together every week to pray for our husbands. We would lift them up and cover our men with scripture. You can't help but feel close to someone else when they place themselves before the altar of God beside you and humbly ask for the grace to be a better woman and wife. There is no feeling like it. We weren't able to meet for long because schedules changed and circumstances interfered, but those months were enough to leave us knit together. We continue to send each other prayer requests to this day. I love it.
I've missed prayer and its powerful impact in my life, so I decided it is time to begin a new prayer group. This time, for my daughters. My Mr. still needs it just as much, but I believe our children are in desperate need of their Father God's covering. Not to mention my need to focus on God and ask for strength, wisdom and patience in raising these sweet cherubs.
I am so excited to share this powerful experience with my NEW sisters. My Power Puff Ladies. Yes, that is what we call ourselves. A group of military wives of all ages, with children of all ages, who have bonded together is the most pure example of friendship and support I have ever experienced. We make dinners, watch each others kids and help in any way you can imagine. We also have a passion for simply celebrating life! Every holiday has been an opportunity to gather in community and rejoice. It has been so much fun! In fact, I am so spoiled that all I have to do is wander out my front door and see my friends, chairs in a circle, shivering under blankets, braving the cold so that the kids can run and scream to their hearts content. All the while we chat and laugh and plan for the next celebration.
The Power Puff at Heather and Jenny's double Baby Shower
Ruthie, Roxie, Jess, Heather, Me, Amy, Mariam, Lindsey & Melissa
After a lifetime of struggling with friendships, God has taught me to love and accept completely. To simply embrace a friend and expect nothing from her while pouring out whatever I can into her heart. I love these Power Puff women even more because I see them setting that example for their kids. How powerful is that? A group of our next generation learning by example to love and embrace one another, support one another and party life away with one another! I can't think of anything more special. It make this year one of my favorite experiences. Many of these great ladies will be leaving in May, but until then I plan to enjoy my friends while they are here and I am praying, praying, praying for the new ones who will arrive this summer. Because, after all one can not have too many friends in life. And you never know who you will meet again. I could never have imagined that in just one short month my Bosom Buddy would live a two minute walk down the street! It is exciting to see how God rearranges the pieces of our lives every couple years, and how despite our imperfections He blesses us so abundantly. My Dad used to say "Jennifer, if you can count your number of friends on one hand you are truly blessed." Well, Daddy, I am ABUNDANTLY blessed.