Temple Detox

Temple Detox
Courtesy of #dgdesignsphotography

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Progress, Preparation and Gluten, Dairy, Sugar and Soy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am delighted to report that I finished week 1 of my Couch to 5K program. I have added distance and my run times were five minutes faster than last Saturday. Though, being honest, it is so much easier to run without my beloved Double BOB. It is an amazing bicep workout and increases my heart rate like crazy. Both good things.

It's very exciting to see and feel progress as I begin to strengthen my body. On this journey toward better health and fitness I keep running into one major obstacle: myself. Therefore, I have to be proud of getting outside when the temperature is in the 20's and snow and ice are on the sidewalks. Getting past my desire for comfort is one thing, but overcoming my sweet tooth is near impossible. However, with the current dietary restrictions I am under while breast feeding Diana, I am discovering a level of discipline that I did not previously possess. On top of that, in Okinawa last spring, as I trained for my first 5k ever, my friend Kelli introduced to me a new philosophy! "YOU'RE NOT A DOG, STOP TREATING YOURSELF LIKE ONE!"

Wait, what? Oh yes, I was treating myself all the time. I mean ALL the time. Go for a run? Make cookies! Weight lift or shadow box? Drink a cocktail! I was treating myself as motivation to keep up the good behavior. How backwards is that? I now realize that the good behavior brings it's own reward: the oh so sweet taste of success! So I've determined that I will not indulge in this bad, but very tasty behavior any longer.

However, if this new lifestyle is to be sustainable, I had to find a way to incorporate my hubby.  My Mr. would not be able to maintain our healthy eating without his cookies. I secretly suspect that is why he married me...he loves my baked treats. I had to find a way to abide by the new rules, but also subdue our cravings for sweets. Last night it dawned on me that I should prepare a gluten, dairy and soy free dessert for myself, because tonight I will be dining at my parents house. I do not want to be tempted by the desserts that will be offered. Because as the saying goes, preparation is half the battle. What battle? I'm not sure which one, but I want to WIN! So I gathered all my knowledge of baking with new flours, glanced over Elana's Pantry Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe (her blog is amazing!) and created my own concoction. The first batch was pretty good...very close to what I was desiring, but I knew I could do better. So I tried again only to find PERFECTION!!!!! So, as I bid you adieu, I leave you with my new favorite recipe. I'm pretty excited to indulge in these cookies tonight!

Jenny's Gluten, Sugar, Soy and Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 Cup Anthony's Almond's** Almond Flour
3/4 Cup Anthony's Coconut's** Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Kosher Salt
1 tbsp McCormick's Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup of Grape-seed Oil
1/2 Cup of Raw Honey
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Enjoy Life Dairy***, Soy and Nut Free Mini Chocolate Chips

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl combine dry ingredients: almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda and salt. In large bowl, combine the vanilla extract, grape-seed oil, honey and egg. Mix wet ingredients until thoroughly blended. Slowly add the dry ingredients. Allow to sit for a minute or so, as the coconut flour will absorb much of the moisture. Stir in the chocolate chips. Spoon cookies on to non-stick cookie sheet, or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Then pour a cup Silk Almond Milk and enjoy your sweet treats!

*Remember, Coconut flour products should be stored in the fridge!
**I bought the Anthony's flours on amazon.com in bulk. Buying in bulk makes baking with different flours less expensive.
** I discovered Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips in Wal-Mart's gluten free baking section!

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