The world is increasingly darker these days. I look at the
global environment and do not see the world in which I grew up. Part of it is that I am maturing, gaining
an adult perspective. To be sure I am not saying that violence and death,
famine and poverty weren’t around before. They most definitely were! However, I
sense a fear and hopelessness that is increasing all around. Does anyone else
feel a fear that has begun to take root inside the global population? Do you
sense a state of hopelessness that has begun to paralyze much of humanity in
the face of unadulterated evil? I hear
anger and calls for revenge sounding forth as conflict increases. Compassion
and solidarity seem to flourish in the wake of tragedy, while prejudice and hate grow alongside it. But when the emotions
settle and time moves forward will we, as a world population, have changed
anything to prevent future tragedies? It isn’t just Global Terrorism though. It’s
the increase in human trafficking, racial division, economic division,
religious division, abuse, sex crimes of all kinds, drug abuse, alcohol abuse,
etc. I foresee a future that scares me, for the sake of my children and
grandchildren. As a mom, I wonder how I am going to protect my children,
preserve their physical and spiritual purity all the while preparing them for
the gloomy reality that evil abounds. But then I see Jesus holding the world in
His tender hands. I see tears fall from Heaven cleansing the souls of the
saints. I see the salt of the earth beginning to shine like stars in the depth
of night. The bible promises that this world will be as in the days of Noah
before the coming of the Son of Man, but the very same book promises us a
Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the turmoil and evil. Prayers rise up to heaven as pleasant
incense to our God. All prayers, whether
they are superficial, seemingly insignificant or desperate pleas of life and
death, ALL of them are meaningful to the God of creation who desires relationship
with His children. Prayer means they are
talking to Him. Acknowledging Him. God can move in the hearts of man through
the communication of prayer, and it is this very tool that so many Christians,
myself included, often neglect. If we would enter into ceaseless prayer as
scripture implores us too, we could shine brighter and brighter for those who
need hope. If we would send up our gift
offerings of praise, worship and prayer with increased fervor, Heaven would
respond mightily with signs and wonders that erase hopelessness and replace it with
faith and hope in Jesus! This is what I am going to focus on when I feel despair or fear. This is
what I am aiming to teach my children. So when they begin to see the darker
things of this world, they will hopefully respond without a spirit of fear, but
with power, love and a sound mind. This is the Comfort that lives within me.
Cleanse your Spirit, Body, & Mind. This blog is created to glorify God and encourage all women to live the abundant life Jesus paid for on the Cross!
Temple Detox

Courtesy of #dgdesignsphotography
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
Encouragement for the Bride of Christ!
It’s been heavy on my heart that
something is coming. For over 6 years I have been studying Biblical prophecy
under bible scholars Chuck Missler, Bill Salus, Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn,
Mark Blitz, etc. Today we see the world
stage being set for numerous prophecies to be fulfilled. We see the rise of
apocalyptic driven ISIS, Iran steaming toward nuclear power, Christians being
persecuted around the world in numbers never before seen. There is a rising
fervor around the globe that screams, “Something is coming. SOMETHING IS
COMING!” But too many people don’t have a clue as to what. I am not one to fear monger or focus on the
negatives of this world. I choose to focus on Jesus and the miraculous
manifestation of HIS glory here on earth. And yet, today as I focus on Jesus I
hear Him telling me to speak His TRUTH, and the Truth is HE IS COMING BACK. We
don’t know when, but as scripture tells us, be watchful for the signs. Whether you are a pre-trib or post- trib
believer, a consensus is growing that before He calls His Bride home, we will
experience pain and persecution like never before. A common belief is that this
persecution is going to prepare Christ’s Bride; she will be purified and ready.
All Christians need to prepare their hearts and strengthen themselves in the
Lord so they may face the coming deception and persecution with grace and
unwavering faith. We also need to be reaching out to others who do not know
Jesus or His message of grace, love and forgiveness.
With all the distractions that our
electric paced world provides, it is not surprising that many have not taken
time to consider their eternal destination, their eternal purpose, or their
spiritual state of being. American
society worships the Gods of Entertainment, Comfort, Convenience and Satisfaction.
But there is more at stake than our physical state. The spirits of many
Americans remain without salvation, even within the churches! Something IS
coming, it has been touted since the 2008 elections: CHANGE. In many ways
change has already arrived, but a bigger change is on the horizon and it will
shake our nation to its very core. Those who are spiritually unprepared will
suffer greatly and live in fear without the hope and promise of Jesus. Unless…
Unless the Church steps out in
boldness, preaching the GOOD NEWS. We are the ones who can offer life in a
world that is dying. Jesus’ sacrifice must not be wasted. We cannot remain as
prisoners of war in spiritual bondage of fear and anxiety and insecurity. The
news broadcasted around the world is bad! The world economy is in free fall,
wars and rumors of wars abound. But we have news of HOPE! The time is getting
shorter, it may not be this year or the next, but your unsaved friend might die
tomorrow. Did you share Jesus? Will you
regret missed opportunities?
The birth pains are increasing.
There may be an easing up, just as in a natural birth the contractions roll in
like waves and recede. Yet, the contractions are increasing with less easing;
the pain will only be intensifying in the years to come. I believe this is
happening so prophecy may be full-filled and allow for the ushering in of the
one world government. The bible tells us
what is coming. No one believed Israel would ever be a nation again, yet God’s
word promised it more than 2,000 years before it came to be. I just want to
encourage my fellow believers to become watchmen- look at the signs and
warnings, know what the bible says is coming and prepare.
How do you prepare? Get your heart
into a place of repentance; seek Jesus and dive into God’s word. Pray without ceasing; let your life be a
living prayer of praise! The good news is that there has been an incredible
outpouring of the Holy Spirit these past few years. There is a momentum of
faith building and growing all over the world! So as the bad news abounds, and
we prepare for darker times that are promised in scripture, we abide in the
shadow of the almighty and dwell under His wings! He protects His beloved and
surrounds us with His angels and sends them before us to prepare the way for
us! We can walk confidently into the unknown each day, because our God is for
us, who can stand against us? The promise is abundant life NOW; with peace
beyond understanding and joy beyond circumstances. For our joy is in Jesus, who
reigns in Heaven and will return to set up His kingdom here on Earth as it is
in Heaven. Be ready Bride of Christ, your Groom has pursued and waited for you!
Recommended Scripture:
PSALM 91 I highly recommend Psalm 91 by Peggy Joyce Ruth!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Reflections of She Speaks 2015
The atmosphere was thick with
peace. The moment I stepped into the hotel my lungs filled with relaxing air
that left me at ease. I was consumed with the contentment of God’s presence as
I rounded the corner and saw the She Speaks decorations. It was Thursday, only
half the attendees had arrived and the hallway was sprinkled with beautiful,
glittering sisters in Christ. All of us excited to share our stories of faith
and transformation. To express the calling on our hearts with someone else who
just might understand how terrifying and exciting it was. I drove 5 ½ hours
south to Concord, NC, by myself, to step into world of selflessness and
service, love and sacrifice. A world that put a heavenly price upon the hours
of typing away at a computer, instead of the worldly price that leaves my bank
account wanting. I unknowingly walked into a sisterhood whose words of
encouragement are exactly how the bible describes them, “sweet like honey.”
It’s been almost a week since I was overwhelmed with information about the true
meaning of ministry, platforms, self-publishing and lessons on how to chase
your dream while chasing your kids. It’s been a week since I sat before a
publisher and literary agent and found not only affirmation that I was using my
gift, but enthusiasm and encouragement about my first written work: Temple Detox.
I sit here tonight, still in awe over the lovely faces and touching stories at She Speaks 2015. I am still in awe that in a room of 800 women with similar talents and desires, my God would see me and be willing to USE me for HIS glory. It was only 11 months ago that I was a broken mess, crying on my kitchen floor, unsure if I could fulfill the roles placed upon my shoulders: mother, wife, daughter, and friend. The burdens were heavy and I had no strength. I was physically sick, mentally frail, and spiritually dead inside. I needed Jesus to step in. I needed a miracle. And I got one.
Elven months later, I can see that the hand of God has been covering me: cleansing and refining me, healing and strengthening me. His personhood is tangible in my life now. I know Him in an intimate way I never could have imagined possible. The words of scripture have branded my very soul and pour into every aspect of my life now. I cannot separate myself from the incredible, vast and omnipresent God that I love. Tonight, I realize that the calling He has placed on my life may not look the way it has in my dreams, and that I just might have to wait a few years (or more) until I can step into full-time ministry, yet gratitude seeps into my heart.
I’m thankful I have more time to grow and learn. I am thankful that I was led to such an amazing experience. I am thankful that God can, and is willing to, use me for something eternally rewarding. I’m grateful that I get to learn how to love others more fully and watch my new sisters follow God on their journeys into ministry. Because people are what it’s all about: loving them, encouraging them to find their greater purpose and exposing them to transformative love of Jesus through service, sacrifice and speaking truth boldly and passionately. I’m grateful I finally understand what ministry means and I can say with confidence, my eyes are on God, it’s for HIM, not me. My prayer tonight is that I become less and less, and that HE grows more and more within me. I pray that as I wait for the moment He calls me to the stage, I will remain content in His presence the way I was last week at She Speaks. Thank you Proverbs 31, for creating an environment that educated, prepared and exposed so many women to the reality of women’s ministry and left us encouraged and determined to pick up our crosses and follow Jesus.
Want to know more about how She Speaks has changed my life?
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Cloak of Zeal!
Most Christians know about the Armor of God, however in
the past few months the importance of it has been made apparent to me. I began
to realize that I didn’t understand what it was.
The Armor of God
Ephesians 6:10-20
10 Finally,
be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put
on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s
schemes. 12 For
our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on
the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to
stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then,
with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of
righteousness in place, 15 and
with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all
this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take
the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the
Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in
mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me,
that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make
known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for
which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I
The Armor of God is a gift from God to His beloved believers. It was
earned, paid for and given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a privilege
and necessity for a believer who wants to be effective in this life. Praise God
we don’t have to earn it ourselves, it’s been handed to us and all we have to
do is pick it up!
As I began to take this command seriously, I realized that
if we act in faith and obedience, God is faithful to respond with blessings of
strength, courage, peace and wisdom. My days that begin with me putting the
armor on before getting out of bed are filled with goodness and peace, even
when problems arise. The days I forget or "just don’t have time” are filled
with chaos and anxiety, resulting in sin.
Late one night, I was praying quietly and asked God to show
me something He wanted me to learn. I heard, Isaiah 59 in my mind, and not knowing anything about it I turned the pages. A bookmark was holding that page. I don’t
know how it got there because I have been focused on the New Testament as of
late, but on the bookmark was The Armor Of God prayer. I began to read Isaiah
59, and thought nothing of the bookmark’s placement or content …until I read Isaiah
59:17 “He put on righteousness as
a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head; he put on garments of
vengeance for clothing, and wrapped himself in zeal as a cloak.”
I was blown away! This was new! I had never heard of a
cloak of zeal before! Vengeance is the Lords, as He clearly tells us in Romans
12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear
friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to
avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” But is the cloak of zeal
available for believers? I contend yes!
And it’s VERY important!
In the Roman army, a cloak served a multitude of purposes. It provided warmth from the cold. It provided protection from the environment. It was a blanket for the
solider as he slept. Without a cloak, a soldier would easily become distracted by his state of discomfort leaving him unprepared for the demands before him.
A cloak of zeal for the believer fuels the fire of faith during
the trials of life. The cloak of zeal protects us from the negativity that
reigns in this world. It covers us as we rest in peace and renew our strength
in God. A cloak of zeal keeps us
encouraged and vibrant in our faith, which in turns allows us to be even more effective
soldiers for God’s kingdom. So today, I encourage you as you put on your Armor
of God, put on your cloak of zeal as well!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Opportunity of a Lifetime!
I have currently been reading the book "Flip Flop CEO" by Janine Finery, Lory Muirhead and Whitney Roberts. It's amazing! As a result I am just blown away with excitement over Arbonne. The more I am learning about this company, the more I learn about network marketing, the more motivated and encouraged I become! I am truly taking steps toward changing not only my family's life, but the lives of friends, and future friends and business partners. It's not just the products- which are incredible. It's not just about getting to teach others about detoxing our bodies, getting healthy and making informed decisions about personal care products. It's not just about a Temple Detox Devotional that I have written to supplement the 28 Day Detox (which I am psyched about!). No, today I am over the moon about Arbonne's business model. And the lifestyle it encourages.
Have you ever loved a product so much you started telling all your friends? Well that is FREE advertisement for that company. Arbonne saves a TON of money by cutting out the "middle men" of distribution, advertisement, and retailers. Think about the thousands of dollars paid to celebrities who don't even use those products. Now consider how Arbonne consultants actually use the products and are getting paid to advertise! By becoming a consultant, I am simply getting paid to use Arbonne's products (which I do love) and helping others learn about them and obtain them. Network Marketing has been reinvented by internet shopping and social media. For Arbonne, there is a LOW buy-in cost, there is NO inventory, and NO door-to-door sales necessary.
Even better, Arbonne has a vast array of consumable products. Products that are effective, chemical free, and their wellness line is gluten, dairy and soy free, Kosher and Vegan certified. These consumable products are loved by our customers, this translates into return customers. Even better, those customers can become consultants, buy into their own store and make money referring others to use products they love! Because, truthfully that is all I am doing. And it is working. My pay check has more than doubled in the last 3 months. I'm not in this just for the money, but it wouldn't be truthful if I said it isn't making a difference for my family.
I have done other network marketing businesses before. As an english major and military-wife-to-be, it seemed like the best option. But they weren't consumable products, they didn't align my with "PURIST" ideals or passions and it was WORK. Each order was hard to get. I was finding success, but I didn't like "selling" to people, deep inside I wanted to help people. But Arbonne isn't just consumable; it is every day products! Shampoo, body wash, hairspray! Skin care, nutrition, diaper cream. Honestly, the business model just makes sense.
As if that wasn't enough for me to be excited about, I am making new friends every day. Only five months ago I would have been able to count the number of people I talked to each WEEK on one hand. But now I am meeting new, incredible, vivacious women each week and it is so refreshing. This business has become life enriching. It is pushing me out of my comfort zone. It is providing a platform for me to talk about healing mentally, physically and spiritually! This is an incredibly powerful business opportunity. I can not help but share it. If you are intrigued- watch this video (bonus: she has an Australian accent!) There is some different information for Australia versus the US- its only $20 to become a preferred client, and $79 to join! But the key information is spot on! Enjoy listening!
Have you ever loved a product so much you started telling all your friends? Well that is FREE advertisement for that company. Arbonne saves a TON of money by cutting out the "middle men" of distribution, advertisement, and retailers. Think about the thousands of dollars paid to celebrities who don't even use those products. Now consider how Arbonne consultants actually use the products and are getting paid to advertise! By becoming a consultant, I am simply getting paid to use Arbonne's products (which I do love) and helping others learn about them and obtain them. Network Marketing has been reinvented by internet shopping and social media. For Arbonne, there is a LOW buy-in cost, there is NO inventory, and NO door-to-door sales necessary.
Even better, Arbonne has a vast array of consumable products. Products that are effective, chemical free, and their wellness line is gluten, dairy and soy free, Kosher and Vegan certified. These consumable products are loved by our customers, this translates into return customers. Even better, those customers can become consultants, buy into their own store and make money referring others to use products they love! Because, truthfully that is all I am doing. And it is working. My pay check has more than doubled in the last 3 months. I'm not in this just for the money, but it wouldn't be truthful if I said it isn't making a difference for my family.
I have done other network marketing businesses before. As an english major and military-wife-to-be, it seemed like the best option. But they weren't consumable products, they didn't align my with "PURIST" ideals or passions and it was WORK. Each order was hard to get. I was finding success, but I didn't like "selling" to people, deep inside I wanted to help people. But Arbonne isn't just consumable; it is every day products! Shampoo, body wash, hairspray! Skin care, nutrition, diaper cream. Honestly, the business model just makes sense.
As if that wasn't enough for me to be excited about, I am making new friends every day. Only five months ago I would have been able to count the number of people I talked to each WEEK on one hand. But now I am meeting new, incredible, vivacious women each week and it is so refreshing. This business has become life enriching. It is pushing me out of my comfort zone. It is providing a platform for me to talk about healing mentally, physically and spiritually! This is an incredibly powerful business opportunity. I can not help but share it. If you are intrigued- watch this video (bonus: she has an Australian accent!) There is some different information for Australia versus the US- its only $20 to become a preferred client, and $79 to join! But the key information is spot on! Enjoy listening!
Ask yourself, are you excited about what you are doing? Where do you want to be in five years and will your current job get you there? Is what you are doing working for you? If you are interested in Arbonne let me know! If you want to support me in business I'd love the opportunity to serve you!
Contact me at:
Friday, March 6, 2015
I am a PURIST.
Recently I have been pondering what
type of mother I would label myself as. The working mom, the stay-at-home mom,
the crunchy granola mom, the helicopter mom, the homeschool mom…Honestly, I
don’t think I fall under any of them. I embrace certain aspects of each, but
none of them identify my parenting style or choices. So thinking a little
deeper about this, I determined to create my own label. I am a PURIST. I am a mom who has determined
to raise her children to remain PURE. I desire to help maintain their purity:
heart, mind, body and soul.
For their
hearts, I try to show them pure, unconditional love and when I fail at it,
because I a human, I show them how God forgives and ask them to do the same for
me. For their minds, I am aiming to provide them a comprehensive, well-rounded
education that teaches ALL sides of the arguments; i.e. Creationism versus
Evolution, Christianity versus Humanism, Spirituality AND Psychology and
Biology. But most importantly, I am praying that I set them up on firm foundation
of a Christian Worldview; not that they just say they believe it, but that my
children will know WHY they choose to believe or not.
I am
changing their food intake to keep them pure in body. A diet free of chemicals,
additives, GMO’s, dyes and excessive sugar. I am purchasing organic, non-GMO
meat, and keeping their meat intake low to prevent extreme amounts of the
casein protein in their bodies so they wont be feeding cancer cells. I am using
Arbonne’s ABC children’s line so their shampoo’s, body washes, lotion
and diaper cream are safe and chemical free! I no longer use plastics in the
microwave and have overpaid for steel or glass sippy-cups. I am putting every effort towards showing
them healthy nutritious ways of eating. I have invested in essential oils so
that we have healthy natural alternatives to medicine, as well as cleaning
products. I am trying to consistently workout at home, in front of them,
encouraging them to join in, because as I saw a friend post on her Facebook
recently “A strong mom raises strong daughters!” Lastly, for their bodies, I am
teaching them modesty and respect for themselves; not to hide themselves in
shame but in a way that honors the temple that God created them to be for his
Holy Spirit. I will be honest with them about sex and dangers of promiscuity
and it dishonors not just themselves but their future husbands.
I am
praying that as I live in faith, my children will learn what faith is and how
it seeps into every thought, every decision, and every word spoken. I am
praying constantly that they will be indwelt with the purifying, cleansing and
healing Holy Spirit. I am praying that Jesus will be their savior and teacher,
who shows them that living a pure life means rejection, persecution and
hardship. I pray that they will have the strength and courage to choose the
greater reward.
To some,
this will sound self-righteous, even pious. However, I write this humbly, in
all sincerity, with the full knowledge that I have lived a less than pure life.
But I stand on the grace and mercy of Christ and pray that I can teach my
daughters how to live purely in a world that is increasingly toxic. I stand in
hope that they will be light in a world of darkness, and when they fall, I pray
that there will be grace and mercy waiting to catch them with the unconditional
loving arms of Jesus.
So I am a
PURIST. That is the best way to describe it. What about you? How would you
define yourself? Can you think of other ways to live a pure life? I would love
some feedback!
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