Temple Detox

Temple Detox
Courtesy of #dgdesignsphotography

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

From where does my comfort come?

The world is increasingly darker these days. I look at the global environment and do not see the world in which I grew up.  Part of it is that I am maturing, gaining an adult perspective. To be sure I am not saying that violence and death, famine and poverty weren’t around before. They most definitely were! However, I sense a fear and hopelessness that is increasing all around. Does anyone else feel a fear that has begun to take root inside the global population? Do you sense a state of hopelessness that has begun to paralyze much of humanity in the face of unadulterated evil?  I hear anger and calls for revenge sounding forth as conflict increases. Compassion and solidarity seem to flourish in the wake of tragedy, while prejudice and hate grow alongside it. But when the emotions settle and time moves forward will we, as a world population, have changed anything to prevent future tragedies? It isn’t just Global Terrorism though. It’s the increase in human trafficking, racial division, economic division, religious division, abuse, sex crimes of all kinds, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, etc. I foresee a future that scares me, for the sake of my children and grandchildren. As a mom, I wonder how I am going to protect my children, preserve their physical and spiritual purity all the while preparing them for the gloomy reality that evil abounds. But then I see Jesus holding the world in His tender hands. I see tears fall from Heaven cleansing the souls of the saints. I see the salt of the earth beginning to shine like stars in the depth of night. The bible promises that this world will be as in the days of Noah before the coming of the Son of Man, but the very same book promises us a Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the turmoil and evil. Prayers rise up to heaven as pleasant incense to our God.  All prayers, whether they are superficial, seemingly insignificant or desperate pleas of life and death, ALL of them are meaningful to the God of creation who desires relationship with His children.  Prayer means they are talking to Him. Acknowledging Him. God can move in the hearts of man through the communication of prayer, and it is this very tool that so many Christians, myself included, often neglect. If we would enter into ceaseless prayer as scripture implores us too, we could shine brighter and brighter for those who need hope.  If we would send up our gift offerings of praise, worship and prayer with increased fervor, Heaven would respond mightily with signs and wonders that erase hopelessness and replace it with faith and hope in Jesus! This is what I am going to focus on when I feel despair or fear. This is what I am aiming to teach my children. So when they begin to see the darker things of this world, they will hopefully respond without a spirit of fear, but with power, love and a sound mind. This is the Comfort that lives within me. 

2nd Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

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