Temple Detox

Temple Detox
Courtesy of #dgdesignsphotography

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Peace in the Waiting Room

It’s late. My mind is weaving my dreams together with the beautiful dose of reality that She Speaks 2017 generously poured out. I feel the weight of the enormous call of God upon my heart: to speak His truth, to write His truth, for women who are searching for freedom, refreshment, and empowerment. It would be an honor to always point them to the profound truths in the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. Oh Glory Jesus! To you be praised! For YOU Lord have set my heart to dancing, my lips to singing! In you, through you, Jesus I am FREE and my heart is compelled forward to share this freedom with every beautiful daughter of God!

But this ministry begins in my home. HOME! My soul is yearning to be home cuddling my baby girls, whose hearts are the first assignments that God has given me. Ministry is hard, no matter where you are: in the home, at a store, on a stage. It demands sacrifice, submission, obedience…and vast amounts of patience and love! What a gift it is to see motherhood as a ministry full of purpose. It erases the monotony of the daily tasks and shines a light upon the opportunities to encourage faith and character within my babies. The deepest prayer of my heart right this moment is that I will continue in obedience to God’s call in the “right now” while preparing for the future fulfillment of the purposes He has given me. Ultimately, I am praying that one day my girls will be dignified daughters of the King, serving beside me and ministering freedom and love into hearts of those in need. 

So tomorrow, I will drive home, as fast as I legally can, and wrap my arms around my beautiful princesses and baby boy! With a rejuvenated soul and a grateful heart I will return to the mundane tasks of motherhood- all the while allowing God to grow me in wisdom and strength. With a new perspective,  I will be at peace in the waiting room. 


  1. I like the concept of the waiting room, I think all of us creative mommas can relate...maybe a concept to dig deeper into...who knows?!

  2. Thanks! Hilariously it was a phrase Tom said to me back in 2007 referring to the wait for yalls wedding!! 😂 It stuck with me.
